SERVICES: Sundays at 10AM | OFFICE: Mon-Thurs, 9AM-3PM

What's Important to Us

1. Biblical Authority
The Bible is and will be the basis for what we believe and how we do life.

2. Authentic Community
For our message to have power, we must live lives together of transparency, integrity, and love.    

3. Relevant Ministry
The Good News of Jesus and the purposes of God must be presented in culturally relevant ways.

4. Outward Focus
We will move beyond our walls with BOLD FAITH to reach the unchurched and invite them into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

5. Missional Living
God wants us as believers to be actively involved daily in praying, giving, serving and going to all Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

6. Giving our Best
In our service to God we are to offer excellence in all that we do as an act of worship.